The cost of Shakeology is really a great value when you crunch the numbers. We say it all the time around here: At least 60% of your fitness success comes from proper nutrition. And for my nutrition, I rely heavily on Shakeology. It’s easily my favorite supplement and for the cost of Shakeology, it’s giving me a lot of bang of the buck.
For the uninitiated, Shakeology is a whole-food based meal replacement shake packed with antioxidants, super foods, pro/pre-biotics, digestive enzymes, and phytonutrients. There are 70+ ingredients from around the world in Shakeology. But rather than explaining it, watch this short video:
As you can tell, Shakeology is the real deal. People have lost substantial amounts of weight simply by replacing one meal a day with Shakeology. Combine Shakeology with any of the home fitness programs available on Beachbody on Demand and you will see dramatic results, guaranteed.
Here’s the interesting thing. Even though people say they’d give anything to lose weight and get in great shape, they often struggle with the price of Shakeology, which is $130 for a 30-serving bag. I have a couple of theories as to why.
Breaking down the cost of Shakeology
First, they don’t break down the cost. One meal of Shakeology is only $4 ($130 / 30 = $4.33). As I write this, I’m sitting in a McDonalds… the irony I know (don’t worry, all I ate was a grilled chicken sandwich no mayo… and I only ate half the bun). The cheapest “value” meal McDonalds has is $3.69 before tax. This is for a double cheeseburger with a regular fry and a soft drink. For nearly the price Shakeology, rather than the incredible nutrient profile explained in the video above, at McDonalds you’ll consume 820 calories (including 42 fat grams, 82 grams of carbohydrates, 80 mg of cholesterol, and 1,420 mg of sodium) of highly processed food void of most anything healthy. This doesn’t include the calories and sugars of the soft drink you choose.
Furthermore, this is the cheapest value meal they offer (some are as high as $6.19 and that’s without the size upgrade for fries and drink!). Not surprisingly, the more expensive the value meal, more often than not the worse they are for you.
But people don’t bat an eye at dropping $4-6/meal for their daily lunch out at ___________, but the thought of paying $4/meal of Shakeology makes them quiver. Makes no sense.
By the way, this same phenomenon isn’t exclusive to fast food restaurants. My son Jordan works at a Starbucks. I asked him what the average ticket price was per customer. His answer: $4.50. WOW! And that’s not even for a full meal that can help you lose weight, feel full, stay regular, and so on. Remember, Shakeology isn’t a snack (though it can be used that way). It’s a meal.
This video explains my first point exactly:
SIDENOTE: When I was leaving McDonalds, I took a quick look around at all the customers. With the exception of one older gentlemen, EVERYONE ELSE was overweight, including a little girl that was walking out the door. Breaks my heart to see overweight children because parents can prevent it.
The cost of Shakeology is for a 30-day supply
Not breaking down the cost per meal is the first problem as you’re not looking at the true cost of Shakeology. The second problem is people aren’t used to buying a month’s worth of a meal at a time. When they see $130, they have sticker shock. I understand this initial reaction. Here’s the thing: would you not eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner if you had to buy all your breakfasts, lunches, or dinners at one time? My guess is you still would eat those meals. After all, you’ve got to eat.
With Shakeology, rather than spending $30/week on a particular meal week after week, you’re buying them all up front for the month. Buying the 30 meals at a time has the hidden benefit of simplifying your life… one less meal every day to have to figure out. You have to factor this in when figuring out the true cost of Shakeology.
As the first video explained, the cost at a grocery store to buy the nutrients found in Shakeology would be $41.19/serving (in a future article, I’m going to test this myself). Even if the claims are exaggerated and the actual cost is half of that, $20 to make that meal yourself would truly add up. But at $4 and some change per meal, it’s quite reasonable.
The cost of Shakeology? Might even be underpriced.
In fact, I’ll take it one step further: I would say that Shakeology can actually save you money. Because of the nutrient profile, I don’t need to take a multivitamin every day. That saves me some money.
Shakeology has properties that help with satiation, so I can’t eat as much at any one meal… so I don’t need to buy as much. That saves me money.
I used to eat two protein bars a day to keep me going, but now I’m only eating one, usually as a mid-afternoon snack. So that’s less money spent.
Less food needed means fewer trips to the grocery. Shakeology is delivered to your door which means less gas spent, which means more money saved. All these savings start to add up.
Even if the savings don’t equal $130/month, they certainly offset the price, which is the third thing people fail to consider: Shakeology lowers or eliminates the price of other purchases, which then helps compensate for the total price. This doesn’t include the preventative medicine factor that taking Shakeology daily can have. The healthier you are, the less prone to disease, fewer trips to the doctor, less medicines needed, the list goes on.
So you can see, I’m not only passionate about Shakeology, I’m passionate about the true value of Shakeology. If cost is your concern, look at the facts I just outlined and calculate for yourself the true cost of Shakeology. I’m confident that once you do and once you’re on Shakeology, you will agree with me about the value Shakeology truly is.
If you are still unsure, watch the video “100 Doctors Don’t Lie” on my Shakeology Information page. I’ve put some nutrient profile PDFs at the bottom of the page as well. If after that you still have questions, shoot me an email or ask questions in the comments section
But with a money-back bottom-of-the-bag guarantee, I wouldn’t even waste another day. Make room in your budget, BUY SHAKEOLOGY, and stop putting off what could be the most important food you ever put in your body.
Chocolate Shakeology Nutrient Profile