In this Crossrope review, we are going to cover what Crossrope is and what separates it from other cardio equipment.
Usually, when you think of cardio equipment, you think treadmills, elliptical trainers, stair steppers, or some kind of hybrid of each of these. Certainly stationary bikes fit that category and with the popularity of Crossfit, rowing machines have made a comeback.
What do all these things have in common?
- They’re big and bulky.
- They’re expensive.
- They require electricity.
- They’re usually being used for steady-state cardio rather than high intensity interval training (HIIT).
- When they are used, they can be boring.
- More often than not, in the home environment, they go unused.
Sounds awesome, right?
Enter Crossrope.
Crossrope Review: What Is It?
At its core, Crossrope is a jumprope training system composed of interchangeable handles and weighted, color-coded ropes. There are two systems available. The primary system uses predetermined rope lengths you can order according to your height. Each rope has an “eye” at the end, which clips into the hooks on the end of the handles. Here are the various Crossrope options.
Crossrope Handle Options:
- Quick Handles (5.75 oz)
- Rugged Handles (8 oz)
Crossrope Indoor Rope Options:
- Sprint Rope – Green (2 oz)
- Speed Rope – Orange(ish) (3 oz)
- Stamina Rope – Blue (5 oz)
- Explode Heavy Rope – Red (3/4 lb)
- Power Heavy Rope – Yellow (1 1/4 lb)
- Strength Heavy Rope – Black (2 lb)
- Titan Ultra Heavy Rope – Silver (3 lb)
Crossrope Indoor-Outdoor Rope Options:
- Agility Rope – Black (1/4 lb)
- Energy Rope – Blue (1/2 lb)
- Intensity Rope – Orange (1 lb)
- Fury Rope – Yellow (2 lb)
The other system is the “Bolt System.” This system uses aluminum handles and one rope length (10 ft) that can be adjusted on the handles using a hex key. This Bolt System was specifically designed to help with double unders (that’s jargon for jumping once while swinging the rope under your feet twice). NOTE: I have not purchased this system yet so I cannot speak to its effectiveness.
Crossrope Bolt System Handle Options:
- Bolt Handles (2 oz)
Crossrope Rope Options:
- Sprint Rope – Green (2 oz)
- Speed Rope – Orange(ish) (3 oz)
Crossrope Review: Why Is It Better?
With a standard jumprope, you’ve got one weight and that’s it. So while you can vary the speed (and throw in jump variations like scissors, side-to-sides, high jumps, squat jumps), the conditioning you’ll do will be limited to your lungs and to a lesser extent, your legs. In other words, nothing for the upper body (unless the one jumprope you have is a heavy rope).
You’re thinking, “If it’s a cardio workout, why do I need anything for the upper body?”
I can see why you’d say that. However, swinging a heavier rope is harder, not just for your shoulders and arms, but for your heart and lungs. Therefore, you’ll be increasing your energy expenditure and improving your overall cardiovascular conditioning. Translation: More options for your training goals.
Furthermore, if your traditional jumprope breaks, you gotta get a new one since the handles and rope are one piece.
With Crossrope, you can go from 2 ounces to 3 pounds, using one pair of handles. Not only that, but the ropes themselves are made of high quality nylon or PVC coated steel. So they’re not going to break anytime soon.
Crossrope Review: My Experience
I’m not a huge fan of traditional cardio equipment. I have gutted out 20 miles on a treadmill in marathon training and it’s misery. Even at shorter distances, the repetitive, go nowhere nature of cardio equipment leaves much to be desired.
That’s partly why I enjoy in home cardio-focused workouts like, Insanity Asylum Volume 1 and Volume 2, T25, Max:30, and the cardio workouts in all the P90X’s (and my wife enjoys TurboFire). There is a ton of variety, they can incorporate strength moves, and you don’t need much space.
Sometimes, however, you just don’t want no video! That’s partly why Crossrope is so appealing. I can do my own thing, come rain or shine, in very little space, without the need of a bulky piece of equipment that more often than not, becomes an expensive clothes rack.
However, my experience with jump roping had been very limited. And by very limited, I mean nearly nonexistent. Aside from the warm up in a couple of the Asylum workouts, I hadn’t done any.
I did, however, have a ton of ambition, thanks to seeing Rocky in my youth.
So with seeds of jumping greatness planted, I set out for my first workout.
I instantly had an all new respect for Rocky and not just because he could get away with those socks. It’s no wonder boxers incorporate jump rope. It’s a killer-cardio workout that gets the heart thumping and sweat flying and fat burning in very little time.
The problem was, even though I like doing my own thing and have designed countless workouts, as a jumprope newbie, I found myself wanting guidance.
Enter the Apple Crossrope App.
Crossrope Review: Crossrope App
The Crossrope app for IOS is a game-changer. And it’s not just a game-changer for beginners. There are workouts for every level. Select the Crossrope set you have and you’re provided with 2 workouts each for beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
Once you’ve hit “Begin Workout” on the app, a timer gives you a few seconds to get in place.
Then, via a countdown timer, you’re instructed which rope to use. Intervals range from 25 seconds up to 60, with breaks in between. Voice prompts instruct you when to start/stop and switch ropes and handles.
The app indicates rope by both name and color, keeps a running time elapsed, time remaining, and of course, your current interval.
All these quick bouts of high intensity exercise followed by brief breaks sound familiar? It should! Crossrope is HIIT at its finest. And in my opinion, HIIT workouts, in most cases, are vastly superior to steady-state.
Come to think of it, it’s not just my opinion. It’s his.This study confirms it too.
Oh… and theirs too.
Oops… almost forgot these people prefer it too.
Not to mention… well… you get the point.
By the way, the Crossrope app is FREE. Yeppers… free!
The Crossrope app is like having a jump rope coach right there with you. Plus, the app will only get better.
I took a few minutes and sent Dave Hunt, Crossrope’s founder, some app suggestions. He more than welcomed the feedback and told me that some of the suggestions were already in the works. I sure love humble CEOs who take time to personally serve their customer base and encourage their input.
RECOMMENDED READING: Check out this “Jump Rope for Fat Loss” post from Crossrope themselves.
Crossrope Review: How Am I Doing?
I’ve recently started committing two weekly workouts to Crossrope. And I’ve really come to look forward to them. It’s fun to try to build a skill while working out, rather than just grinding out another sweat storm.
Crossrope is HIIT at its finest.
I also like that because it’s HIIT, there’s always a short break literally seconds away.
And I long for that break because when you’re swinging a 2 or 3 pound Crossrope, 45 seconds can’t move fast enough. Your shoulders get the benefits of the ill-fated shake weight workout minus all the weirdness.
I haven’t quite mastered the double under yet, though I’m getting closer. I’ve gotten to the point where every other jump is a double-under. My goal is be able to string together 50+ of them within a few months.
So let’s recap what we’ve learned in the Crossrope Review…
Crossrope Review: Pros
- Inexpensive compared to traditional cardio equipment.
- Easy to travel with.
- Multiple weighted ropes allow multiple training regimens.
- Requires little space.
- Perfect for HIIT.
- Learn a skill while getting in your cardio workout.
- High-quality, long lasting product.
- Free app is awesome and will just get awesome-er.
- Crossrope consistently emails tips and has an active blog to help you improve and get fit.
Crossrope Review: Cons
- Expensive compared to regular jump ropes.
- The clip at the end of the handle can be a little stiff, making a quick rope change a little challenging at times. While I expect this to loosen up the more I use them, it still should be noted.
- Painful to hit your head or shin with… though what rope isn’t? And of course, this will be less of a problem as I get better. Just don’t do it with the kids around.
- Overhead clearance could be an issue if working out indoors
Crossrope Review: Conclusion
As you can tell, I’m a huge fan. Yes, it can seem pricey for a jumprope, but I’m a big believer that you get what you pay for.
Plus, it’s better to think of Crossrope in terms of complete training system, not just a one-off piece of cardio equipment.
I’m just not sure you can do better, do more, and do it as effectively and efficiently for less money.
For these reasons, Crossrope is as close to perfect as cardio equipment gets.