Elaine from Seinfeld was right… “special” occasions are everywhere! And if you’re not careful, they’ll ruin your fitness. Don’t believe me? READ ON…
Avoid fitness plateaus by modeling yourself after Bill Murray
What could Bill Murray possible teach us about fitness and breaking plateaus? Surprisingly, a lot. READ ON…
Does workout timing matter?
They say timing is everything. But can timing make a difference with your fitness and nutrition goals? I’m here to tell you that timing matters, but not in the way you may think! READ ON…
Fitness tracking! What is the deal with fitness tracking?
When I say Seinfeld, you probably don’t think about fitness. But I’m here to tell you that Jerry’s advice to new comics could also be the most important form of fitness tracking you ever come across. READ ON…
Exercise Excuse #1: I’ll Hate It
One of the first excuses people use to avoid exercise is that they think they’ll hate it, no matter what it is. It’s a shortsighted mindset that’s damaging them long-term. There are ways to like exercise. READ ON…
The 80-20 Rule and Fitness
The Pareto Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Or put simply, 20% of the work gets 80% of the results. But does the Pareto Principle apply to fitness? READ ON…